AirPods Pro, AirPods 3, AirPods 2, AirPods Max, Magsafe in Magsafe baterija so prejeli posodobitev vdelane programske opreme in bi morala pomagati pri povezljivosti, preglednosti in izboljšanju pogovorov v sistemu iOS 15 v napravah iPhone, iPad in Mac. AirPods Pro, AirPods 3, AirPods 2 in AirPods Max imajo zdaj enako različico vdelane programske opreme in sicer 4C165. V tem videoposnetku razložim, kako posodobiti AirPods Pro, AirPods 2, AirPods 3 in AirPods Max in si ogledamo nove funkcije in posodobitve za AirPods z uporabo iPhone 13 Pro Max.
00:00 - Introduction
00:31 - AirPods version
01:08 - AirPods 3, Pro and Max Firmware
01:53 - How To Update AirPods
03:44 - How to Update MagSafe Battery Pack
04:16 - MagSafe Battery Pack Firmware
04:35 - MagSafe Charger
04:51 - Changes and Updates
05:02 - Conversation Boost
05:30 - AirPods Renaming bug
06:10 - Security Updates
06:23 - Transparency and Noise cancellation
06:48 - AirPods device switching
07:06 - MagSafe updates
07:53 - Can you stop AirPods from updating?
08:13 - Notify when left behind bug
08:27 - Conclusion
08:47 - Outro
Vir: zollotech (YouTube kanal)
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